Come home to yourself.

It’s possible to become the version of yourself you've always dreamed of and more. But it’s challenging to get there on your own...

You do not have to learn to love & trust yourself, you only have to remove the beliefs blocking the inherent love that trust that has always been there. Its not about becoming someone different, its about shedding the things that never belonged to you in the first place.

Everything that you could ever dream to be is already there within you. I’m here to guide you on a 90 day transformational journey to uncover the beliefs that limit you, learn to understand your triggers, and liberate yourself to create a life in alignment with your values. The time of living on autopilot is over.

Join me and a community of powerful women as we come home to ourselves, and in doing so, master our fate.

The journey begins March 2024!

Stay Connected

Stay Connected

Quick question for you:

What would your life look like if you felt more confident and calm?

Imagine never second guessing yourself again and feeling profoundly proud of every aspect of your life - your relationships, your parenting, your career, your habits….

You are finally able to truly trust yourself and feel like the creator of your life.

You’ve become the master of your fate…the captain of your soul.

How would it feel to:

  • Make confident decisions day to day without second guessing yourself constantly. 

  • Experience the ease that comes with having your subconscious beliefs be in alignment with the life you want to live and the person you want to be.

  • Stop beating yourself up and getting sidelined by daily stressors. Find yourself laughing more and worrying less as your resilience increases and daily stressors have less impact on you.

  • Never find yourself thinking back on a situation and thinking “Man! I wish I had said this instead.” or “I feel awful I reacted that way.”.

  • Enjoy a level of peace you’ve longed for for so long. Increased patience so you don’t snap at your kids as often and decreased worrying so that you can truly relish in the present moment.

  • Learn to love even the parts of yourself you think are unloveable. When you see how these parts have been keeping you safe all along, a sense of awe and appreciation will replace your feelings of self loathing.

  • Feel profoundly proud of the mother, sister, wife, or friend you are…. - our relationships are the most precious gift of life, and the greatest opportunity to be better than you ever thought possible.

Let’s get you there…

Sound too good to be true?

I totally get it because I’ve been where you’ve been.

I know the world is flooded with talk of mindset work, self love, and self care. Quite frankly this well intentioned conversation can feel quite overwhelming. 

It makes sense. 

The best way to make real changes always starts with a path and someone to guide you along the way. 

That’s where I come in…

Hi! I’m Emily…

…and like most of us, my backstory is one of being told what to believe.

I didn’t have anyone asking what I thought or felt and I certainly wasn’t taught to get curious question the things being told to me.

I was taught that truth was something to be found outside of me and that I couldn’t trust my inner voice… these beliefs that I learned from others defined who I was.

And because of that, it felt like my life was something that was happening to me and that I had no control over who I was becoming.

…but all of that changed!

I discovered that I could change the beliefs that were defining my life!

When you access the power of your subconscious beliefs you can identify what's actually running the show, and once you see it, you can change it.

…rather than just going through the motions of feeling lost and confused,

not understanding why you can't make lasting changes or show up in the world in the way you long to.

Now I know you may be thinking “I’ve tried mindset work before, but I don’t see lasting changes.”

The latest studies on neuroplasticity show that our brain works very hard to keep our reality in alignment with our beliefs.

So if you believe that you have imposter syndrome, or that you only have value when you’re being productive, or that personal growth only happens through suffering - then your brain is going to work overtime to highlight the information and experiences in alignment with that limiting belief, and let everything else fall by the wayside unnoticed. 

This part of the brain is called the Reticular Activating System (RAS) and it does not distinguish between fact and fiction.

So if you believe that you are not good at making money, even though that is far from the truth of your capability, your RAS will make that belief your reality and you will sabotage and miss opportunity after opportunity. 

These studies suggest that by accessing our subconscious, we can rapidly begin rerouting neural pathways in the brain and reprogramming our RAS to create new beliefs while unlearning old ones.

This will bring the person you want to become and the kind of life you want to live in alignment with the reality you experience. 

And I'm here to show you how…

INstead, living Consciously looks like…

  • Being able to manage your emotions when you get triggered, instead of blowing up at someone or running away.

  • Infusing your days with meaningful routines and practices that support your business and life goals.

  • Finally giving yourself permission to go for that creative opportunity because you feel deserving of beautiful, playful, pleasurable things in your life.

  • Reaching for big dreams and goals in your business because you trust yourself enough to know that you can learn, grow, and figure things out along the way.

  • Allowing yourself to truly experience rest and relaxation without feeling an anxious pressure to be productive.

  • Consciously parenting your children from a place of truly seeing them and their needs because you’re no longer clouded by pain from your own childhood. 

  • No longer spiraling into a long bout of misery when facing something emotionally challenging, but instead experiencing a powerful sense of resilience.

  • Making a ton more money as a result of reprogramming your beliefs about money.

  • Replacing self loathing with deep and true self love.

  • Establishing healthy boundaries that help your friendships and relationships thrive.

  • Feeling more peace, connection, and support in your relationships because you're able to clearly communicate your needs.

  • Experiencing levels on confidence in your business decision rooted in powerful evidence based practices.

  • Feeling a sense of ease, abundance, and love that comes with building a strong foundation of self trust.

Isn’t it infuriating when you keep repeating the same negative pattern even though you know it’s not good for you?

How defeating is it to identify that you have a problem with constantly second guessing yourself and not know how to fix it?

How frustrating is it when you've tried to exercise more patience with your children only to lose your temper 10 minutes later?

Aren't you exhausted trying to juggle being a better partner and show up as your best self in your business …all while working to heal the pain from your past?

Isn’t it awful being overwhelmed with crippling self doubt in your business, knowing that fear is keeping your from showing up as your biggest self?

No matter what it looks like to be the ideal you,

one thing is for sure:

You will feel more and more like yourself.

Releasing yourself from the cage of your limiting beliefs to be free to come home to yourself is the greatest gift you could give to yourself.

Because you deserve to be fully you. It is your right as a human being. 

And not only that, just imagine what a gift it would be to your loved ones. Because they too deserve to experience a world with you in it as your biggest, best self.

Which is why it’s time to let go of your old patterns and ways of thinking and embrace the discomfort and thrill that comes with transformation. 

Have you ever said any these things to yourself?

  • I can’t achieve that, I’m just not that kind of person.

  • I need to work harder and do more before I’m allowed to enjoy my life.

  • I wish I was more confident. I’m always so awkward and anxious.

  • I have to change XYZ about myself and maybe then I’ll love myself.

  • I lost my temper at my kids/partner/friend, and that means I’m a bad parent/partner/friend.

  • I should be more (insert criticism)

  • I should be less (insert criticism)

  • I am not enough.

  • I am too much.

  • I don’t deserve that.

  • I am unlovable.

Sound familiar? It does for me too. This cycle of criticism and self loathing keeps you small and stuck and feeling disappointed in yourself. 

And the worst part? None of those things are true, yet they quite literally dictate how you feel about yourself and therefore how you show up in the world. 

But I’m here to show you that it is absolutely possible to shed those beliefs and reveal the you that you’re destined to be. 

I know that this is possible because I've been there.

I’ve felt small and stuck and lost with no way out, and today I show up in the world more in alignment with my ideal self than I ever have before.

I’ve helped many people through this transformational process and have stood in awe of the incredible people they have become. 

It's all right there inside you at this very moment.

I’m here to help you set it free. 

A bit more about me…

I am a mother of two magical little girls, a bespoke jeweler, co-host of the Inner Archeology podcast, and a mindset specialist.

And I can say to you with emphatic confidence that I actually really love and trust who I am and believe that I’m exactly where I need to be in my life.

But it wasn’t always that way…

I remember very clearly a version of myself that felt simultaneously too much and not enough.

I was insecure and struggled with codependency. 

I experienced bouts of self loathing and wondered if this whole idea of “self love” was really just a sham.

I believed that other’s knew better and silenced my inner knowing until I could no longer recognize the voice of my intuition.

I allowed other people’s opinion of me to define and determine how I felt about myself.

I felt uncertain about what to do or who I was and confusion and insecurity became my state of being.

I went to sleep at night (or tossed and turned with insomnia) feeling unsatisfied with life…and myself.

Always in the back of my mind there was a little voice that kept asking “Is this really all there is?”

I felt like an anonymous extra in someone else’s movie and couldn’t understand why I was not the star of my own life. 

I felt so deeply broken and out of control.

It took a series of tragic events to truly wake me up and see how I was keeping myself small.

The world and my circumstances weren’t keeping me small (though I desperately tried to blame them!), it was my beliefs about the world and my circumstances that were keeping me small. 

When I started diving deep into changing those beliefs I discovered life changing tools to aid in the process. 

I’m not special. I didn't have god visit me on a mountain top and I don’t have a fancy PHD.

It was step by step, and countless books, youtube videos, podcasts, meditations, conversations, and hours spent in my therapist's office to build the roadmap and toolbox I’m offering you today.

But the main reason I’m qualified to help you is that I’ve seen these tools and this process drastically change the course of people’s lives over and over again. 

People started coming to me out of the woodwork, bearing their precious hearts to me and asking for my help and guidance.

I remember questioning who I thought I was to be having these conversations, but when I saw the beautifully profound changes happening in their lives, I knew I had found something important and worth sharing.

I believe the universe is conspiring for you to be the most realized version of who you came here to be.

I needed some pretty intense suffering to get me moving in the right direction.

But it doesn't always have to be that way for you!

You can consciously prioritize your own inner work and healing instead of waiting for life to knock you back on track or for it to get so unbearable that you can't stand it any longer. 

Now, I certainly do not trivialize the very real and tangible oppression, inequality, and injustice in our world, however, I am not here to wait around for those systems to change before you can truly enjoy your life. I’m here to give you the tools to take charge of your life and make impactful changes now.


“Master Your Fate” is the culmination of 12+ years of inner work, research, working with others, and soul searching. It is a collection of the most valuable tools that I have picked up along the way.

This is the information I wish I had when I felt so lost and facing seemingly insurmountable challenges.

Sure, you could absolutely feel your way through your healing journey like I did, grabbing bits and pieces along the way. For some that is an important process, but for the rest? I’ve saved you the struggle of trial and error to give you this clear roadmap. 

I went through so many difficult and confusing years to gather the information in this course and guess what?! Now you don't have to, which brings me so much joy. 

…and I absolutely cannot wait to share it with you!

You’re invited to join me in:

“Master Your Fate”

The only mindset course of its kind that supports a personalized transformational journey. A 12-week program that combines personalized 1:1 coaching, group sessions, and science backed methods using neuroplasticity to make lasting changes. So that you can be free to become exactly who you want to be. Limited spots are available and the journey begins March 3rd.

You are the answer you seek.

I’m here to show you the way.

"Master Your Fate was exactly what I needed, exactly when I needed it. It's not therapy, nor is it life coaching. It is a program that gets to the deepest parts of you, guides you toward deep healing, and helps you rebuild from the inside out so you can make the choices to create your best life. 

I've always been a person who believed in the importance of personal growth and a huge advocate of therapy. I felt like there was still this thing inside me that was holding me back, and I had no idea what it was or how to get to it. 

Because Master Your Fate is set up so strategically, I was able to move through layers that I didn't even know I had. Healing wounds that I didn't even realize were there. 

I can wholeheartedly say that Emily's program not only helped me to have the best mental, emotional, and spiritual health of my life, but it also helped me tap into my intuition and make some huge moves in my life."


Hear from some amazing individuals I’ve worked with:

“The bottom line is that Master Your Fate changed everything -- literally everything.

But not through some magic formula of self-care or affirmations (though those are an important part of the process), but rather...I changed.

With Emily's guidance, I have been able to reclaim and reconnect with parts of myself that I never knew were there. The power in this program is Emily's ability to point out the strengths and beauty you already have. As someone who has been told more often than not that all I have are bad parts, hearing someone like Emily say for the first time that there are "no bad parts" radically changed the way I see myself and others.

I have been able to connect better with myself as a late-diagnosed autistic woman, reclaim my sexuality, and start the journey towards fully knowing my higher self.

I cannot recommend Master Your Fate enough. It's an investment in yourself that pays dividends on your whole life, and it's so worth it.


“I’ve been through this cycle and can attest that the work you put in is extremely introspective, meditative, and life-changing.”

Even though I didn’t know I needed it, mindset work was on the back burner when I became a single mother in early 2013. I focused solely on survival, raising my three kids. I experienced a physical and mental breakdown in December 2021. Then I endured illness by long-covid in September 2022.

I had to stop dead in my tracks. I knew I could not hold off anymore on my mental health crisis. 

I ventured on a discovery call with Emily and within seconds, immediately felt enveloped in her care, her compassion, and space held for me. And boy… I clung onto every minute and did not want to let go. In the first 20 seconds of the call, I knew I had to join MYF.

Emily has structured the program to work very effectively over the course of 12-weeks. There is no shortage of modalities as MYF catered to my various learning styles and prevented boredom. By way of weekly meditations, lessons that built upon the previous week, journaling prompts, and alternating weeks of group calls and 1:1s with Emily, we were grounding and exploring from so many angles. 

Emily is very generous with her observations and insights. The years of experience, the depths of her knowledge, and her ability to translate this seemingly intangible “woowoo” mysticism euphemistically called mindset work will help you exercise your self-trust muscles. I’ve been through this cycle and can attest that the work you put in is extremely introspective, meditative, and life-changing.

I would urge you to seek out Emily for the next MYF course and launch into a season of smashing self-doubt and peeling away the layers that hold you back.


“Emily's Master Your Fate program was a game-changer for me.

While considering the program, I was on the fence regarding whether to enroll. However, in retrospect, it was the correct decision.

Emily is one of the kindest and most compassionate souls I ever met. The information that she shared was quite invaluable and insightful. It helped me look at my situation from a unique perspective and the interactions with Emily brought new positive energy.

Overall, the course has the potential to deliver change in your mindset no matter where you are. If you are on the fence regarding whether to join I highly recommend taking the plunge. You won't regret it.


“Emily is so wonderful. She has such a comforting and authentic presence that makes it feel really safe to be vulnerable and to challenge myself on my own beliefs. She has such a special ability to take lots of high level information and distill it down into something tangible, applicable, and individually supportive.

As someone who has been Doing The Work for many years and goes to lots of therapy, I was nervous that I might not learn anything new, but I felt so drawn to Emily and wanted to work with her, so I committed to having a learner's mindset and I am SO GLAD THAT I DID! Emily blew my mind MANY TIMES OVER and helped me reach deeper levels of compassion for myself.

I was so impressed by Emily's ability to bring new insights into my world and offer strategic and personalized support. I'm a person who values the awareness that 2 things can be true at once, and I truly appreciated Emily's offer of allowing me to also hold space for conflicting feelings simultaneously - that approach made me feel incredibly expansive and strong, and allowed for continued forward momentum without unproductive toxic positivity.

My time with Emily has created a feeling of internal expansiveness that I have not experienced in many other spaces.”


“She has helped me navigate getting sober, divorce, and growing a multi-million dollar business.”

It is no exaggeration to say that Emily is the number #1 most influential person in my life. Emily has had the most profound impact on my growth - more than any therapist, rehab, book, guru, course, or mentor (and I have been consuming personal development work including inpatient treatment for over a decade). 

Emily’s extensive knowledge of neuroscience, family systems, inner child and parent work, mindfulness, meditation, and emotional intelligence is truly mind blowing. I have recommended her to those serious about mindset work more times than I can count. 

Working with Emily accelerated growth in my life personally & professionally exponentially. She has helped me navigate getting sober, divorce, and growing a multi-million dollar business. I attribute so much of my success to her expertise, vast knowledge, and innate, intuitive wisdom.

I lovingly refer to parts of my life as pre-Emily and post-Emily. And I hate to think of where I would be today if we never crossed paths. The gratitude I feel for what she has helped me accomplish is truly difficult to put into words. But hopefully this gave you a tiny glimpse. 

- Sarah Turner


For the duration of this 12 week transformational journey you will have:

  • 6 in-depth one-on-one calls with me

  • 6 expansive group calls

  • weekly course materials

  • journal prompts

  • guided meditations

  • video lessons

  • creative exercises

  • somatic practices

  • a close knit online community

  • By the end of this week you will have a clearer idea of your authentic self and will understand why accepting exactly who you are right now allows you to become the person you’re meant to be.

  • By the end of this week you will have a deeper understanding of your personal triggers, how to effectively manage them, and how to use them as a roadmap for your own inner healing. As well as understanding the transformational power of gratitude and compassionate curiosity.

  • By the end of this week you will have an understanding of the self as a whole and freed yourself from the pain and confusion that comes with singular thinking.. You will have a deepening connection with your inner child and learn how impactful their role is in your subconscious.

  • By the end of this week you will reframe your beliefs about your inner critic. You will have clarity around how your intuition shows up and will develop a practice to strengthen your connection to it.

  • By the end of this week you will have clarity about what stories are defining and you will learn how to manage your negative self talk through self advocacy.

  • By the end of this week you will know how to discover your inherited beliefs and will learn about the role that anger plays in the transformation process.

  • By the end of this week you will have a clearer understanding of your own negative patterns, learn how subconscious pendulating shows up in your life, and will know how to make and break habits.

  • By the end of this week you will have clarity about the beliefs that support your authentic self, and will develop powerful affirmations to further solidify your transformation.

  • By the end of this week you will learn how your relationships help you understand yourself and the importance of giving yourself the love you want.

  • By the end of this week you will be able to communicate effectively and with compassion about challenging triggering things.

  • By the end of this week you will know how to continue building self trust, and will be able to establish and maintain internal and external boundaries.

  • By the end of this week you will learn how to apply everything you've learned moving forward for the benefit of the rest of your life.

Sign Up

If you find that you are resonating deeply and are willing to trust your intuition nudging you to take this journey, please sign up here. I’m so excited to go on this adventure with you!

There’s only 15 spots available! The journey begins March 4th and doors close on March 1st!

For the duration of this 12 week transformational journey you will have:

  • 6 in-depth one-on-one calls with me

  • 6 expansive group calls

  • Weekly course materials

  • Creative exercises

  • Inspiring journal prompts

  • In depth guided meditations

  • Video lessons

  • Somatic practices

  • A close knit online community

  • Upon completion you will have access to my inner circle mentorship group Cultivate

Access Master Your Fate:

3 Payments of $700 -

One time payment of $2000 -

Book a call

If you’re curious to hear more about this program, I’m more than happy to chat with you so we can discover together if this journey is in alignment with how your story is meant to unfold.

Click the link below and book a 30min discovery call with me!